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Editeurs/Plateformes: Elsevier
Advances in engineering software
lien Elsevier
Advances in engineering software and workstations
lien Elsevier
Annales de l'Association internationale pour le calcul analogique
lien Elsevier
Annual review in automatic programming
lien Elsevier
lien Elsevier
Chinese astronomy
lien Elsevier
Cognitive science
lien Elsevier
Computer networks
lien Elsevier
CVGIP. Image understanding
lien Elsevier
Electronics reliability & microminiaturization
lien Elsevier
Engineering analysis
lien Elsevier
Euromicro journal
lien Elsevier
Franklin journal and American mechanics' magazine
lien Elsevier
Impact of computing in science and engineering
lien Elsevier
Information storage and retrieval
lien Elsevier
International journal for artificial intelligence in engineering
lien Elsevier
International journal of man-machine studies
lien Elsevier
International transactions in operational research
lien Elsevier
Journal of nuclear energy
lien Elsevier
Journal of nuclear energy
lien Elsevier
Journal of nuclear energy. Part A. Reactor science
lien Elsevier
Journal of nuclear energy. Part B, Reactor technology
lien Elsevier
Journal of nuclear energy. Parts A/B: Reactor science and technology
lien Elsevier
Letters in heat and mass transfer
lien Elsevier
Nuclear physics
lien Elsevier
lien Elsevier
Physica. B + C
lien Elsevier
Physics and Chemistry of Solids
lien Elsevier
Physics letters
lien Elsevier
lien Elsevier
Transactions of the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
lien Elsevier
Acta Mathematica Scientia
lien Elsevier
Ad hoc networks
lien Elsevier
Advances in engineering software
lien Elsevier
Advances in water resources
lien Elsevier
Aerospace science and technology
lien Elsevier
Annals of physics
lien Elsevier
Annual reviews in control
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Artificial intelligence
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lien Elsevier
Chaos, solitons and fractals
lien Elsevier
Chinese astronomy and astrophysics
lien Elsevier
lien Elsevier
Cognitive psychology
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Biologies
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Chimie
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la terre et des planètes
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, physique, astronomie
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Mécanique, physique, chimie, astronomie
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série IIc, Chimie
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la vie
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série IV, Physique, astrophysique
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Géoscience
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Mathématique
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Mécanique
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus. Physique
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Computational biology and chemistry
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Computer communications
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Computer languages
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Computer languages, systems & structures
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Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering
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Computer networks
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Computer networks and ISDN systems
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Computer physics communications
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Computer speech & language
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Computer vision and image understanding
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Computer Aided Design
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Computers and education
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Computers & electrical engineering
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Computers & fluids
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Computers & graphics
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Computers & operations research
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Computers & structures
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Controlled clinical trials
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Data & knowledge engineering
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Discrete optimization
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Econometrics and statistics
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Economics letters
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Electronic notes in theoretical computer science
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Engineering analysis with boundary elements
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European journal of control
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European journal of mechanics, A, Solids
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European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
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European journal of operational research
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Expert systems with applications
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Finite elements in analysis and design
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Future generation computer systems
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Fuzzy sets and systems
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Games and economic behavior
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Graphical models
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Graphical models and image processing
lien Elsevier
lien Elsevier
Information & management
lien Elsevier
Information processing & management
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Information sciences
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Information sciences, applications
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Information systems
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lien Elsevier
International journal of bio-medical computing
lien Elsevier
International Journal of Engineering Science
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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
lien Elsevier
International journal of human-computer studies
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International journal of mechanical sciences
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International journal of medical informatics
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International journal of plasticity
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International journal of solids and structures
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Journal of Applied Logic
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Journal of biomechanics
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Journal of computational and applied mathematics
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Journal of computational science
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Journal of discrete algorithms
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Journal of economic dynamics & control
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Journal of economic theory
lien Elsevier
Journal of Hydrodynamics. Ser. B
lien Elsevier
Journal of logical and algebraic methods in programming
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Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
lien Elsevier
Journal of parallel and distributed computing
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The Journal of systems and software
lien Elsevier
Journal of systems architecture
lien Elsevier
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
lien Elsevier
Journal of urban economics
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Journal of visual communication and image representation
lien Elsevier
Journal of visual languages and computing
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Learning and instruction
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Location science
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Mechanics research communications
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Mechanism and machine theory
lien Elsevier
Microprocessing and microprogramming
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Microprocessors and microsystems
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Neural networks
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lien Elsevier
Nonlinear analysis. Hybrid systems
lien Elsevier
Nuclear physics. A
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Nuclear physics. B
lien Elsevier
Operations research letters
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Parallel computing
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Pattern recognition
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Pattern recognition letters
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Performance evaluation
lien Elsevier
Philips journal of research
lien Elsevier
Physica. A
lien Elsevier
Physica. B, Condensed matter
lien Elsevier
Physica. C, Superconductivity
lien Elsevier
Physica. D, Nonlinear phenomena
lien Elsevier
Physics letters. A
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Physics letters. B
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Physics reports
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Probabilistic engineering mechanics
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Real-time imaging
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Robotics and autonomous systems
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Signal processing
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Signal processing. Image communication
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Speech communication
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Statistical methodology
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Stochastic processes and their applications
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Studies in history and philosophy of science
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Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics
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Systems & control letters
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Journal of logic and algebraic programming (The)
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Theoretical population biology
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Thin-walled structures
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Wave motion
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Advances in applied mathematics
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Advances in mathematics
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
lien Elsevier
Annals of pure and applied logic
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Applied and computational harmonic analysis
lien Elsevier
Applied mathematical modelling
lien Elsevier
Applied mathematics and computation
lien Elsevier
Applied mathematics letters
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Applied numerical mathematics
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Bulletin des sciences mathématiques
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Bulletin of mathematical biology
lien Elsevier
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique
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Computational geometry
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Computational statistics & data analysis
lien Elsevier
Computer aided geometric design
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Computer graphics and image processing
lien Elsevier
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing
lien Elsevier
Computers & mathematics with applications
lien Elsevier
CVGIP. Graphical models and image processing
lien Elsevier
Differential geometry and its applications
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Discrete applied mathematics
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Discrete mathematics
lien Elsevier
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
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European journal of combinatorics
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Expositiones mathematicae
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Finite fields and their applications
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Historia mathematica
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Indagationes mathematicae
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Information and computation
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Information processing letters
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Insurance. Mathematics & economics
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International journal of approximate reasoning
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International journal of non-linear mechanics
lien Elsevier
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées
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Journal of algebra
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Journal of algorithms
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Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics
lien Elsevier
Journal of approximation theory
lien Elsevier
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A
lien Elsevier
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B
lien Elsevier
Journal of complexity
lien Elsevier
Journal of computational physics
lien Elsevier
Journal of computer and system sciences
lien Elsevier
Journal of differential equations
lien Elsevier
Journal of econometrics
lien Elsevier
Journal of functional analysis
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Journal of geometry and physics
lien Elsevier
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
lien Elsevier
Journal of mathematical economics
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Journal of mathematical psychology
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Journal of Multivariate Analysis
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Journal of number theory
lien Elsevier
Journal of pure and applied algebra
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Journal of statistical planning and inference
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Journal of symbolic computation
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Journal of the Franklin Institute
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Linear algebra and its applications
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Mathematical and computer modelling
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Mathematical biosciences
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Mathematical social sciences
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Mathematics and computers in simulation
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Nonlinear analysis
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Nonlinear analysis: real world applications
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Reports on mathematical physics
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Science of computer programming
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Simulation practice and theory
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Statistics & probability letters
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Journal of logic programming (The)
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Journal of mathematical behavior (The)
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Theoretical computer science
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lien Elsevier
Topology and its applications
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U.S.S.R. computational mathematics and mathematical physics
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Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
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Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
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Results in Applied Mathematics
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Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
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Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure
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Computers & Graphics: X
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Graphics and Visual Computing
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Mathematical modelling
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Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen. Series A. Mathematical sciences
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Journal of combinatorial theory
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General topology and its applications
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AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
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Arab journal of mathematical sciences
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Fuzzy information and engineering
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Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
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Computers & mathematics with applications. Part B
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Computers & mathematics with applications
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Computers & mathematics with applications. Part A
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Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science
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Annals of mathematical logic
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Results in Control and Optimization
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EURO journal on computational optimization
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Partial differential equations in applied mathematics
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Examples and Counterexamples
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Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation
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Information and control
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