[6] Collection(s) PCMath à Paris IHP - Bibliothèque

Titre Périodique ISSN Etat de Collection Lacunes
Theory of probability and its applications PCMath - Colref 0040-585X Vol. 1 n° 1 (1956) ->

Tidsskrift for Mathematik PCMath Unica 0909-2528 Vol. 1 (1868) - Vol. 5 (1874)

Tohoku mathematical publications PCMath - Colref 1343-9499 Vol. 1 (1995) - Vol. 38 (2015)

Tokyo journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0387-3870 Vol. 1 (1978) ->

Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 0077-1554 Vol. 12 (1965) ->

Trudy ordena Lenina Matematičeskogo instituta im. V.A. Steklova PCMath 0371-9685 Vol. 1 (1931) - Vol. 259 (2007)
Vol. 73 (1965)
Vol. 202 (1993)