[8] Collection(s) PCMath à Marseille - CIRM

Titre Périodique ISSN Etat de Collection Lacunes
Proceedings of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Mathematics PCMath - Colref 1024-056X Vol. 1 n° 1 (1993) - Vol. 1 n° 4 (1993)

Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences PCMath - Colref 0034-5318 Vol. 16 (1980) - Vol. 48 n° 4 (2012)
Vol. 58 (2022) ->

Probability theory and related fields PCMath - Colref 0178-8051 Vol. 71 (1986) ->

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 0002-9939 Vol. 1 (1950) ->

Publications de l'Institut Mathématique PCMath - Colref 0350-1302 Vol. 1 (1947) ->

Publikacije Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Serija: Matematika PCMath - Colref 0353-8893 Vol. 1 (1990) - Vol. 11 (2000)

Portugaliae mathematica PCMath - Colref 0032-5155 Vol. 1 (1937) ->

Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute PCMath 1512-0007 Vol. 100 (1992) - Vol. 169 (2015)
Vol. 103 (1993)
Vol. 105 (1993)
Vol. 107,108 (1994)