[116] Collection(s) papier à Grenoble - Bib. Jean-Pierre Demailly

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Titre Périodique ISSN Etat de Collection Lacunes
Analysis PCMath - Colref 0174-4747 Vol. 1 (1981) ->

Prace Matematyczne PCMath - Colref 0208-5410 Vol. 1 (1969) - Vol. 12 (1982)

Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática PCMath - Colref 0100-3569 Vol. 1 (1970) - Vol. 32 (2001)

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 0004-9735 Vol. 1 (1959) - Vol. 18 (1974)

Transformation groups PCMath - Colref 1083-4362 Vol. 1 (1996) ->

Memoirs of the Faculty of Science. Kyushu University. Series A. Mathematics PCMath - Colref 0373-6385 Vol. 1 (1940) - Vol. 47 (1993)

Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 0002-9904 Vol. 1 (1894) - Vol. 84 (1978)

Doklady Bolgarskoj akademii nauk PCMath - Colref 0366-8681 Vol. 4 (1951) - Vol. 43 (1990)

Glasgow mathematical journal PCMath - Colref 0017-0895 Vol. 8 (1967) - Vol. 56 (2014)

Summa Brasiliensis Mathematicae PCMath - Colref 0039-498X Vol. 1 (1945-46) - Vol. 4 (1957-60)

Indiana University mathematics journal PCMath - Colref 0022-2518 Vol. 20 (1970) ->

Pliska PCMath - Colref 0204-9805 Vol. 1 (1977) - Vol. 30 (2019)

Buletinul Academiei de științe a R.S.S. Moldovenești. Matematica PCMath - Colref Unica 0236-3089 n° 1 (1990) - n° 3 (1991)

Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise. Série des Sciences Mathématiques PCMath - Colref 0137-639X Vol. 27 (1979) - Vol. 30 (1982)

Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques PCMath - Colref 0001-4117 Vol. 6 (1958) - Vol. 26 (1978)

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B. Série A, Sciences mathématiques. Série B, Sciences physiques PCMath - Colref 0151-0509 Vol. 280 (1975) - Vol. 291 (1980)

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série A, Sciences mathématiques PCMath - Colref 0302-8429 Vol. 278 (1974) - Vol. 279 (1974)

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques PCMath - Colref 0997-4482 Série A Vol. 262 (1966) - Vol. 277 (1973)

Houston journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0362-1588 Vol. 1 (1975) -> V.1 n.2 à n.4 pas parus

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A, Pure mathematics and statistics PCMath - Colref 0263-6115 Vol. 29 (1980) - Vol. 69 (2000)

Kumamoto journal of science. Mathematics PCMath - Colref 0385-6763 Vol. 9 (1972) - Vol. 17 (1987)

Kumamoto journal of science. Series A, Mathematics, physics and chemistry PCMath - Colref 0023-5318 Vol. 1 (1952) - Vol. 8 (1969)

Sitzungsberichte - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse PCMath - Colref 0340-7586 Vol. 1954 (1955) - Vol. 2003 (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche PCMath - Colref 0036-9918 Série 1eS Vol. 1 (1871) - Vol. 16 (1930)
Série 2eS Vol. 1 (1932) - Vol. 15 (1946)
Série 3eS Vol. 1 (1947) - Vol. 27 (1973)

Glasnik matematički PCMath - Colref 0017-095X Vol. 1 (1966) - Vol. 52 (2017) Serie 3

Journal of mathematics, Tokushima University PCMath - Colref 0075-4293 Vol. 1 (1967) - Vol. 34 (2000)

Journal of Gakugei, Tokushima University. Mathematics. PCMath - Colref 0563-6957 Vol. 1 (1950) - Vol. 15 (1966)

Resultate der Mathematik PCMath - Colref 0378-6218 Vol. 1 (1978) - Vol. 6 (1983)

Ricerche di Matematica PCMath - Colref 0035-5038 Vol. 1 (1952) - Vol. 63 (2014)

Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Seria Nauk Matematyczno-Przyrodniczych. Matematyka Fizyka Chemia PCMath - Colref 0450-9005 Vol. 1 (1955) - Vol. 4 (1958)

Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Matematyczne PCMath - Colref 0083-4386 Vol. 5 (1959) - Vol. 23 (1982)

Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de la République Populaire Roumaine PCMath - Colref 0007-4691 Vol. 1 (1957) - Vol. 8 (1964)

Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la République Socialiste de Roumanie PCMath - Colref 0373-2908 Vol. 9 (1965) - Vol. 33 (1989)

Mathematika PCMath - Colref 0025-5793 Vol. 1 (1954) - Vol. 67 (2021)

Proceedings. Section A, Mathematical and physical sciences PCMath - Colref 0080-4541 Vol. 68 (1968) - Vol. 71 (1974)

Demonstratio Mathematica PCMath - Colref 0420-1213 Vol. 1 n° 1 (1969) - Vol. 46 n° 4 (2013)

Science reports of the Yokohama National University. Section 1. Mathematics, physics, chemistry PCMath - Colref 0085-8366 Vol. 1 (1952) - Vol. 44 (1997)

International journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0129-167X Vol. 1 (1990) ->

Kumamoto journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0914-675X Vol. 1 (1988) - Vol. 28 (2015)

Mathematical chronicle PCMath - Colref 0581-1155 Vol. 1 (1969) - Vol. 20 (1991)

New Zealand journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 1171-6096 Vol. 21 (1992) - Vol. 35 (2006)

Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina y de la Asociación Física Argentina PCMath - Colref 0327-2583 Vol. 16 (1952) - Vol. 23 (1968)

Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina PCMath - Colref 0327-2591 Vol. 1 (1936) - Vol. 15 (1951)

Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. A PCMath - Colref 0392-4033 Série 5eS Vol. 13 (1976) - Vol. 18 (1981)
Série 6eS Vol. 1 (1982) - Vol. 5 (1986)
Série 7eS Vol. 1 (1987) - Vol. 11 (1997)
Série 8eS Vol. 1 (1998) - Vol. 10 (2007)

Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. B PCMath - Colref 0392-4041 Série 5eS Vol. 13 (1976) - Vol. 18 (1981)
Série 6eS Vol. 1 (1982) - Vol. 5 (1986)
Série 7eS Vol. 1 (1987) - Vol. 11 (1997)
Série 8eS Vol. 1 (1998) - Vol. 10 (2007)

Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I, Matematică. Mecanică teoretică. Fizică PCMath - Colref 0304-5188 Vol. 17 (1971) - Vol. 27 (1981)

Calculus of variations and partial differential equations PCMath - Colref 0944-2669 Vol. 1 (1993) - Vol. 56 (2017)

Canadian mathematical bulletin PCMath - Colref 0008-4395 Vol. 1 (1958) ->

Geometric and functional analysis PCMath - Colref 1016-443X Vol. 1 (1991) ->

Mathematische Annalen PCMath - Colref 0025-5831 Vol. 1 (1869) ->

Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico del'Università di Modena PCMath - Colref 0041-8986 Vol. 1 (1947) - Vol. 51 (2003)

Monatshefte für Mathematik PCMath - Colref 0026-9255 Vol. 52 (1948) ->

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Series I, Matematică, Fizică, Chimie PCMath - Colref 0578-5413 Vol. 3 (1958) - Vol. 6 (1961)

Institut Elie Cartan PCMath - Colref 0290-7887 Vol. 1 (1981) - Vol. 19 (2008)

Mathematisch-physikalische Semesterberichte zur Pflege des Zusammenhangs von Schule und Universität PCMath - Colref 0340-4889 Vol. 1 (1950) - Vol. 10 (1963)

Mathematisch-physikalische Semesterberichte PCMath - Colref 0340-4897 Vol. 11 (1964) - Vol. 27 (1980)

Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. C, Analisi funzionale e applicazioni PCMath - Colref 1120-8309 Série 5eS Vol. 18 (1981)
Série 6eS Vol. 1 (1982) - Vol. 5 (1986)

Revue de mathématiques pures et appliquées PCMath - Colref 0370-6052 Série 1eS Vol. 1 (1956) - Vol. 8 (1963)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier PCMath - Colref 0373-0956 Vol. 1 (1949) ->

Journal of knot theory and its ramifications PCMath - Colref 0218-2165 Vol. 1 (1992) ->

Annals of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0003-486X Série 2eS Vol. 1 (1899) ->

Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I, Mecanică PCMath - Colref Unica 0256-4556 Vol. 28 (1982) - Vol. 30 (1984)

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik PCMath - Colref 0075-4102 Vol. 1 (1826) ->

Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society PCMath - Colref 0305-0041 Vol. 77 (1975) ->

Selecta mathematica Sovietica PCMath - Colref 0272-9903 Vol. 1 (1981) - Vol. 13 (1994)

Selecta mathematica, New series PCMath - Colref 1022-1824 Vol. 1 (1995) ->

Annali di matematica pura ed applicata PCMath - Colref 0373-3114 Vol. 1 (1858) - Vol. 7 (1865)
Série 2eS Vol. 1 (1867) - Vol. 26 (1897)
Série 3eS Vol. 1 (1898) - Vol. 31 (1922)
Série 4eS Vol. 1 (1924) ->

Communications in analysis and geometry PCMath - Colref 1019-8385 Vol. 1 (1993) ->

Reports of a mathematical colloquium PCMath - Colref Unica 0734-5194 Série 2eS Vol. 1 (1939) - Vol. 8 (1948)

Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Secţiunea I a, Matematică PCMath - Colref 0041-9109 Vol. 10 (1964) - Vol. 34 (1988)

Scientia sinica. Series A, Mathematical, Physical, Astronomical and Technical sciences PCMath - Colref 0253-5831 Vol. 25 (1982) - Vol. 31 (1988)

Collectanea mathematica PCMath - Colref 0010-0757 Vol. 1 (1948) - Vol. 65 (2014)

Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di scienze PCMath - Colref 0391-173X Série 4eS Vol. 1 (1974) - Vol. 30 (2001)
Série 5eS Vol. 1 (2002) ->

Rendiconti del seminario matematico PCMath - Colref 0373-1243 Vol. 8 (1947) - Vol. 72 (2014)

Science in China. Series A, Mathematies, Physics, Astronomy & Technological Sciences PCMath - Colref 1001-6511 Vol. 32 (1989) - Vol. 38 (1995)

Rivista di matematica della Università di Parma PCMath - Colref 0035-6298 Série 1eS Vol. 1 (1950) - Vol. 10 (1959)
Série 2eS Vol. 1 (1960) - Vol. 12 (1971)
Série 3eS Vol. 1 (1972) - Vol. 3 (1974)
Série 4eS Vol. 1 (1975) - Vol. 17 (1991)
Série 5eS Vol. 1 (1992) - Vol. 6 (1997)
Série 6eS Vol. 1 (1998) - Vol. 4 (2001)
Série 7eS Vol. 1 (2002) - Vol. 9 (2008)
Série 8eS Vol. 1 (2009) - Vol. 2 (2009)
Série NS Vol. 1 (2010) - Vol. 5 (2014)

Acta Mathematica Sinica, New Series PCMath - Colref 1000-9574 Vol. 1 (1985) - Vol. 14 (1998)

Archivum mathematicum PCMath - Colref 0044-8753 Vol. 1 (1965) - Vol. 49 (2013)

Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin (Printed) PCMath - Colref 1370-1444 Vol. 1 (1994) - Vol. 27 (2020)

Manuscripta mathematica PCMath - Colref 0025-2611 Vol. 1 (1969) ->

Proceedings of the Faculty of Science of Tokai University PCMath - Colref 0563-6795 Vol. 1 (1966) - Vol. 27 (1992)

Real analysis exchange PCMath - Colref 0147-1937 Vol. 1 (1976) ->

Publicationes mathematicae PCMath - Colref 0033-3883 Vol. 1 (1949) - Vol. 19 (1972)
Vol. 20 (1973) - Vol. 83 (2013)
Vol. 40 n° 3,4 (1992)
Journal of geometry PCMath - Colref 0047-2468 Vol. 1 (1971) ->

Canadian journal of mathematics PCMath - Colref 0008-414X Vol. 1 (1949) ->

Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kochi University. Series A, Mathematics PCMath - Colref 0389-0252 Vol. 1 (1980) - Vol. 25 (2004)

Potential analysis PCMath - Colref 0926-2601 Vol. 1 (1992) ->

Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni PCMath - Colref 1120-7175 Série 5eS Vol. 1 (1940) - Vol. 26 (1967)

Rendiconti del Seminario matematico della R. Università di Roma PCMath - Colref 1120-7167 Série 4eS Vol. 1 (1936) - Vol. 3 (1939)

Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni PCMath - Colref 1120-7183 Série 7eS Vol. 1 (1981) - Vol. 33 (2013)

Rendiconti di matematica PCMath - Colref 0034-4427 Série 6eS Vol. 1 (1968) - Vol. 13 (1980)

Algebras and representation theory PCMath - Colref 1386-923X Vol. 1 (1998) ->

Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des sciences. Sciences mathématiques et naturelles PCMath - Colref - Vol. 1 (1948) - Vol. 3 (1950)

Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association PCMath - Colref 2040-6185 Vol. 1 (1952) - Vol. 7 (1966)

Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics PCMath - Colref - Vol. 1 (1857) - Vol. 50 (1927)

Studii şi cercetări de matematică PCMath - Colref 1220-2738 Vol. 8 (1957) - Vol. 14 (1963)

Studii şi cercetări de matematică şi fizică PCMath - Colref Unica 1220-272X Vol. 7 (1956)

Results in mathematics PCMath - Colref 1422-6383 Vol. 7 (1984) - Vol. 72 (2017)

Geometry & topology PCMath - Colref 1465-3060 Vol. 1 (1997) ->

Algebraic & geometric topology PCMath - Colref 1472-2747 Vol. 1 (2001) ->

Moscow mathematical journal PCMath - Colref 1609-3321 Vol. 1 (2001) ->

Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 1678-7544 Vol. 33 (2002) ->

Analele Universităţii din Timişoara. Seria ştiinţe matematice PCMath - Colref 1224-970X Vol. 35 (1997) - Vol. 39 (2001)

Analele Universităţii din Timişoara. Seria matematică-informatică PCMath - Colref 1224-1490 Vol. 31 (1993) - Vol. 34 (1996)

Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I, Mecanică. Matematică. Fizică PCMath - Colref 1224-7855 Vol. 33 (1987) - Vol. 37 (1991)

Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I, Mecanică. Matematică PCMath - Colref 1011-6532 Vol. 31 (1985) - Vol. 32 (1986)

Matematiceskaâ fizika, analiz, geometriâ PCMath - Colref Unica 1027-1767 Vol. 1 (1994) - Vol. 12 (2005)

Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society PCMath - Colref 1598-7264 Vol. 1 (2000) - Vol. 17 (2014)

International mathematics research papers PCMath - Colref 1687-3017 Vol. 2005 n° 1 (2005) - Vol. 2008 n° 4 (2008)

Lucrările ştiinţifice ale Institutului Pedagogic Timişoara. Seria matematică-fizică PCMath - Colref 1220-0115 Vol. 1958 (1959) - Vol. 1961 (1962)

Communications in contemporary mathematics PCMath - Colref 0219-1997 Vol. 1 (1999) ->

Journal of K-theory PCMath - Colref 1865-2433 Vol. 1 (2008) - Vol. 14 (2014)

Science in China. Series A, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy PCMath - Colref 2095-0527 Vol. 39 (1996) - Vol. 45 (2002)

Science in China. Series A, Mathematics PCMath - Colref 2095-0535 Vol. 46 n° 1 (2003) - Vol. 52 n° 12 (2009)

Confluentes mathematici PCMath - Colref 1793-7442 Vol. 1 (2009) - Vol. 4 (2012)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Lublin-Polonia. Sectio A PCMath - Colref 2083-9650 Vol. 1 (1946) - Vol. 3 (1949)